Thursday, June 28, 2012

going past empty

Last night i had a dream...we drove for miles. We drove without looking at the gas gauge
The road was surrounded by beautiful dry desert. It went on for a life time.
It was the the kind of road with no destination, no rest stops.A few gas stations just
to keep you on the journey.The radio played station hadn't been touched the whole trip,
so i assume the music was fine.
Our hands on top of each others like grasping on for dear life with out the fear
of sweat or cramping...
And we drove deeper...
We drive past the grand canyon with out giving it a look, We drive past Vegas and you turn over
to not let the lights bother you. We drive past the Hollywood sign and give it the finger.
We drove even further...
The yellow on the divider hasn't been repainted in decades, and her sunglasses aren't 
wide enough to hide the happy in your eyes. We make it to towns where we
blend in, We talk about settling down but always find the best reasons to laugh about
why we couldn't live here. We disagree to disagree just so we can agree to talk about how
much we don't agree on.This conversation goes on for hours past the point we forgot
how the conversation started in the first place.
We sip on warm waters and wonder weather it was gas or a skunk as we both deny it,
and save the truth for a more vile moment. We see farms, and cities and criticize the lifestyles
it takes to find contemporary peace, and find the double edge swords of both lives.
We drove even further...
We pull over and laid on the hood and look at stars we've never noticed were there,
watch for shooting stars and talk till i notice you haven't answered back in some time.
You fell asleep under the stars, and left me talking to myself. I don't mind, i cover you up
and lean back and dream about us growing old, laughing at how we aged, and still deny
the gas being passed.I Watch your chest moving up and down, and imagine with each
exhale its a moment of peace for you, Its the kind of quiet where the ocean could be
mistakable for the rhythm of your sleep and it can put me to sleep.I drift into a sleep
next to you trying not to wake you with the excitement of being so peacefully next to you.
Trying to contort my body to easily fit in to the puzzle you are.Finding the perfect slither
of blanket you left me,and i feel your slightly lock yourself into us...

And then i woke up. 

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